A front cover attracts
A back cover sells
A book spine broadcasts
A design engages
KCP Design Services Catalog
Interior Design
You barely notice when a book's interior design is beautiful, but when the interior design has been neglected, you more than likely won't read it. Interior book design is an art that influences the way your readers will experience the contents of your book. Design elements include:
Style of Chapter Headings
Trim Size
and more
Don't make the mistake of focusing solely on the book cover and neglecting your book's interior. It's the literary equivalent of finely unwrapping a pack of underwear on Christmas morning--disappointing. It's a difficult letdown for readers to overlook. A successful book has a professionally designed interior.

Front Cover Design

Your front cover is the best marketing tool you can invest in. The most well-written books are not always the most popular and the cover is often to blame. If the cover doesn't entice readers, they won't consider reading it.
Think of your front cover as a movie trailer. It's what people will use to judge whether your book is worth paying to read. There are two design components of your front cover: imagery and font. The balance between these two components is paramount. Whether your imagery features a photo, illustration, geometric shapes, or an interesting arrangement of colors, what matters most is that it captures the true spirit of the book.
The size and placement of your text in relation to the imagery of your cover impacts the overall aesthetic of your cover as well.
Back Cover Design
The back cover of your book is your sales pitch. It features a captivating description, squeezed into a couple hundred words to get the readers' attention and keep them intrigued. The back cover contains:
A tagline
A blurb (your sales pitch)
Your author bio (optional)
Testimonials (optional)
Practical details (ISBN barcode, cover designer credit, website, publisher logo etc.)
The front cover will cause someone to pick up your book, but your back cover will inspire them to add it to their cart.

Without a spine, your book is simply a bunch of paper. It's such a small amount of real estate compared to your covers and the book's interior, but in the physical shelved book world, it's most often the first thing potential readers will see. The list of items present on your spine is short, it includes:
Author’s last name
Easy enough to conceive, a little more complex to create in an aesthetically pleasing way.​
Cover Copy
Never underestimate the power of front and back cover copy. At KCP, we take the time to craft it carefully, to make it compelling and irresistible. Because when you get it right, it can mean the difference between your book collecting dust on the shelf or it flying into the hands of eager readers.​​

Also included with any production and design service:​
ISBN Numbers for both print and ebooks
Account creation and quality control for all distribution sites (Amazon KDP, IngramSpark, etc.)
Author Central Page Creation
Let's turn your vision into reality.
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Picture this: you've poured your heart and soul into crafting your message. Every word, every point, every chapter is a labor of love. But here's the thing: no matter how incredible your message is, if you don't nail the front and back covers and their copy, you're missing out on a golden opportunity to reach more people.
Let's get started designing a book worthy of the message contained within its pages!